YEAREND: Well, well, it's the last day of the year. The new year is pretty much the biggest sign of change most people have in their lives. Having a waypoint that allows you to see definatively that times are changing and your days are going by is very useful. Most people use January 1 to make "resolutions" that are a joke even as they make them. I can't say that I've not made resolutions that I've forgotten weeks later but I usually don't even make them. I do use the opportunity to look ahead though and see what I want to do the coming year. This year is going to be rather more eventful than most so I have a lot to look forward to.
I have way too horrible of a memory to do any kind of comprehensive Best Of list. I’d be adding stuff I forgot to it for weeks. If you’re really interested, I’ve been putting most things I liked on this weblog so skim through the archives. One of my goals for next year is to work on my memory so hopefully by a year from now I’ll be a more proper weblogger and have my list together.
Here’s hoping for a new year ful of change and surprise for everyone.