
BOOKS: My quest to read everything on my To Be Read Shelf had an important milestone yesterday, I actually passed up borrowing a new book I want to read from the Library in favor of reading something from The Shelf. I found the book [The Watch by Dennis Danvers](http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0380806452/mattorama) and I actually left it on the shelf and on my Books list on my Visor. I can't remember where I saw the book or what made me put it on the list but it looks interesting. Sort of a time-travel anarchy story.

I also finished The First Five Pages from the library and decided that buying The Dictionary of Concise Writing would be much more effective than trying to read it on loan. I’ll definately have to buy it though, along with another book by the same author, The Dimwit’s Dictionary, because just reading the first part has really opened my eyes to a new way of editing my work. I think it will be very helpful.
